This is my online scrapbook: A place to keep thoughts and snippits handy. A reference to a bit of of this and that.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Digital Scrapping

I have such a short attention span, and blog surfing does not help at all.
Although I have managed a quick paper declutter, it is now all piled up high in a box, mocking me, waiting to be organised.
But before I do, here's a link to a digital graphic thingy, called gotta pixel

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Time to get organised

It's easy to feel little overwhelmed in a house full of stuff.

Our two bedroom 'cottage' is overflowing with kids, kids toys, clothes, plastic stuff, shoes, more plastic stuff, books, tubs and even more stuff, most of which is un-neccessary but hard to part with.
Sometimes I almost wish we were faced with a bushfire, and then I would be forced to start again from scratch. Well, not really: but you know what I mean.

Anyway, last week, I came across simple mom, and with any luck this clever lady may just change my life. Okay, that's optimistic. At least tidy it up a bit.

To be fair on myself, I don't have a lot of spare time with three young boys, ranging in age from eight weeks to six years. And to be honest, what little spare time I have is spent hanging around the computer, checking facebook, getting carried away with browsing ebay, and surfing around looking for ideas to inspire me. Occasionally I update my blog, which is my version of an online scrapbook - somewhere to gather and save the many great ideas I come across online.

So, simple mom has got me a bit excited about getting on top of things, and the first project I intend to tackle is managing or even killing the paper clutter.

I heart organizing and organizing your way are two more blogs that I intend to check out next time I have a few moments to spare... when I'm done organizing all the paper, that is!

Here's another great idea, to keep all that active paper handy, but not in the way.
Organizing Junkie has a family binder  system to keep everything in it's place.
Here's a couple more links for good measure: